Whatever your editorial needs may be, The Media Maven can help. Unless, of course, you need an in-depth essay on why “Godfather Part 3” is the best movie of the trilogy. Don’t see your exact need in the services below? Then tell us about your project. Joe Dionisio welcomes all inquiries, and consultations are always free.
Book Editing

You’ve come to the right place. Does your book need a major overhaul and a new scaffold upon which to tell your story? Or are you a fairly decent writer who simply aspires to take your manuscript to its optimal height? Joe is experienced at solving either problem. Nonfiction or fiction, he can even provide some marketing pointers for you.
Savvy content is oxygen for your website, marketing emails, press releases, social-media channels, B2B/ B2C outreach, ad copy, editorials, blogs and employee communications. That’s where Joe’s work shines. His clients are wellness facilities, charity nonprofits, schools, wineries, consumer products, universities, think tanks, fundraisers, photographer websites, women’s holistic beauty supplies, specialty foods (such as Just Pik’t orange juice), lobbyists, GoFundMe campaigns, and more.


Need stellar content for your comedy, drama, science fiction, documentary, suspense, indie, satire, or noir film? Dionisio’s eclectic background has allowed him to explore writing for all such genres. But if you’re producing a movie that’s either martial arts, religious extremist, or torture porn, you’ll probably wanna swipe left on Joltin’ Joe.
should be an exercise in collaboration and socialization. In contrast, the hallmark of many great scribes is the ability to sit in a lonely room, stare at a blank screen, and concoct poetry amid that isolation. Joe’s people skills and journalistic curiosity help him capture each client’s “voice.” And frankly, you’ll find his interviewing process — in which you enjoy the oral tradition of sharing your story “over a campfire” — to be scads more fun. And by “campfire,” we might mean wine.

Take the word of an
experienced ghostwriter: it’s
a niche skill that not all literati
possess. Quality ghostwriting
Standup Comedy Writing

Are you a veteran or aspiring standup seeking sharp
material that’s drier than burnt
do you need to punch
video with humor to
Joltin’ Joe has a wealth of material,
yet apparently lacks the
cojones to perform it himself.
toast? Or
up a YouTube
help it go viral?
Media, Political & PR Strategy

Dionisio just served as researcher for a noted White House correspondent at a TV network, so he knows our contentious (albeit symbiotic) media sphere well. Reporters deliver news while publicists pitch what they wish to be news. The results can be iffy. With acumen in journalism, politics and public relations, The Media Maven is uniquely positioned to grasp each group’s needs.

There’s this thing called Google, and it’s got oodles of stuff. More than oodles, in fact. But it’s not the end-all if you’re researching a book, a documentary, a corporate white paper, or fundraising data for a nonprofit. That’s why investigative reporters (and librarians, to be fair to our info brethren), are so deft at digging up dirt. Good researchers know how to think outside the box.
“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.”
Oscar Wilde